Vidya - Latest update - TR Cutting School Courses in Bangalore

TR Cutting School Courses in Bangalore

TR Cutting School is known for its innovative approach to pattern cutting and garment construction. They offer various courses that provide students with the skills and techniques needed to create unique and well-fitted garments. This course is designed for beginners and provides a foundation in pattern cutting principles. Students learn how to take measurements, draft basic patterns, and make simple garment constructions. This course is for those with some experience in pattern cutting. It covers more complex pattern drafting techniques, including creating patterns for tailored garments, draping techniques, and working with more challenging fabrics. This course focuses on the practical aspect of turning patterns into finished garments. Students learn various sewing techniques, such as seam finishes, setting sleeves, attaching collars, and creating closures. his course explores unconventional pattern cutting techniques, encouraging students to experiment and think outside the box. Students learn how to manipulate patterns to create innovative and unique garment designs. 

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