Vidya - Latest update - FASHION WORLD and your Contributions to the FASHION Industry, From Namma Bengaluru

FASHION WORLD and your Contributions to the FASHION Industry, From Namma Bengaluru

Vidya Fashion Academy is one of the leading fashion designing institutes in Bangalore providing high-end fashion education to students in a state-of-the-art environment. Vidya Fashion Academy was established with the intention of creative discipline to be a greater realistic and market-oriented expert.

Through the years our recognition has grown and we are now proud to provide our students Multiple diploma’s and certificate programs catering to numerous focus fields in a fashion which include pattern making and garment construction each fundamental for the novice and advanced for the Fashion Designing Courses In Bangalore, adventurous, computer-aided designing, Illustration, textiles, styling.

Fashion designing has become the most glamorous and exciting profession and the most competitive worldwide. The Vidya Fashion Academy, one of the best fashion designing colleges in Bangalore offers different types of fashion designing courses to explore a lot in the fashion industry about fashion, color, designs, styles, texture, design making, and so on.


Here you can achieve and make your presence in the fashion world with your skills and newly learnt ways and process 


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Vidya Fashion Academy
217,1st Floor, Suraj Towers, 
27th Cross, 3rd Block, Jayanagar,


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